Wednesday, October 31, 2012

..halloween 2012..

my dear boys,

halloween was a blast this year, especially for me. i'm pretty sure i bought finn's costume clear back in august. i just couldn't resist the cute little dalmatian. shortly after i decided that the two of you should probably match (i'm a sucker for matching boys), so i ordered sam his cute little dalmatian hat and the items necessary to make the rest of his costume shortly after. i think you guys looked pretty dang cute, if i do say so myself. i know, i know, i'm biased. but i mean seriously, it doesn't get much cuter than you two!

the whole idea was for our family to go as characters in 101 dalmatians. however, i never got around to making dad his costume. or duke and claus. so it ended up just being me as cruella de vil, and you as my two little dalmatians. next year i promise to be more on top of it so that dad and your big brothers won't feel left out. in my defense, i did just have a baby three weeks before halloween. so gimme a break! ;)
we went to a party at the osborne's house a few days before halloween. everyone was so excited to see yittle bebe sam, and finn, they couldn't get over how adorable you a) looked in your costume, and b) were with sammy boy. they thought you were pretty dang cute, too, samuel. :) can't say i disagree there!

on halloween we went trick-or-treating on main street in bountiful. we met the phippen's there and walked with them for part of the way. then afterward we came home and me and dad took finn trick-or-treating around our neighborhood while grandma cindy stayed home with sam.
i must say, watching finn walk up to each door and ask for candy (which, in finn language, translates to "uh uh?"! haha) was totally magical for me! you were so cute finners, and i know it will get even better as the two of you get older! i can't even imagine what christmas will be like. :)
