Monday, December 23, 2013

..dashing through the snow..

...on a one horse open sleigh! okay, well technically there were two horses, and we were on more of a wagon than a sled, but it was still so much fun and something i hope to make a tradition in the years to come.

it all started a week or so ago when uncle zac decided he wanted to finally propose to shrimp. we were brainstorming fun ways to do it, and he decided a sleigh ride up at red ledges was the winning idea! my mom made a bride & groom gingerbread cookie, and zac tied the ring to the bride. the plan was to meet up in heber, with hot cocoa & snow clothes and he would get down on one knee somewhere on the sleigh ride.

the plan went off without a hitch! the driver was a little quirky, and started off the ride on an interesting foot when he made fun of golfers! haha he had no idea zac is a soon-to-be professional golfer, so it was so funny listening to him talk about golf. i think he was a bit embarrassed when we told him he was driving a sleigh full of golfers. lol! zac arranged with the driver ahead of time to stop halfway through so he could propose. i must say, even i had butterflies waiting for it to happen! alicia was so surprised, it was so fun to watch and i am so glad we were there for it.

we ended the ride with delicious hot chocolate and of course some photos to help capture this wonderful memory.

..breakfast with the tawzers..

seems like the past few years we have made a tradition of getting together with the tawzer's when they come to town over christmas! it is always so fun watching the kids play - i only wish they lived closer so we could get together more often. whit's girl's are just the cutest, and i hope one of them (or both!) end up being my daughter's-in-law someday. ;)