Thursday, April 10, 2014

..happy THIRD birthday..

my dear sweet finn,

happy THIRD birthday, kiddo! i honestly cannot believe you are three years old - it blows my mind. it seems like it was just yesterday - that beautiful april afternoon, when we headed to the hospital to begin the greatest adventure we've ever been on. i remember ever detail and would give anything to go back and re-live that day just one more time. it was the best day of my life. :)

you have been the most amazing blessing and perfect addition to our family. from day one i felt like i had known you forever. you, my dear, were my first experience with love at first sight. never before in my life had i felt such an instant, overwhelming, powerful love and connection, and my love for you has only grown stronger. each and every day i find myself loving you more and more.

it seems that in the blink of an eye you have turned into a little boy. you talk more and more every day. we're always rolling on the ground over the things you say and do. you are sure a silly little guy, and know just what to do to make us smile. you also know just what to do to make us want to pull our hair out. ;) people always lead you to believe that kids are naughtiest when during their 2's - i beg to differ. pretty sure you'll give us a run for our money this year as a 3-year-old. as is your custom, though, you are a very mildly naughty little boy. i know you were meant to be our first-born, to help teach us the ropes through this journey of parenthood. you are so patient with your mom and dad - quick to forgive when we misbehave.

you are such an amazing big brother, and that has been one of my favorite things about the last year and a half - watching you and your little brother become friends. there have been times when i've questioned whether or not you like each other, but in the last few months it has become obvious that you think the world of each other. one of your favorite things to do first thing every morning is wake sammy up and deliver him his bottle. you are always so concerned that we might leave him behind as we're heading out the door, and lovingly remind us to "pick up sam." as the weather has warmed up, you're always coming up to sam, asking, "hey sam, you wanna come pway outside wif me?" my heart bursts with pride as i watch your bond strengthen, and i am confident that the two of you will grow to be best of friends as the years go on. i can only hope there is room in your duo for your next little bro. :)

thank you for all that you have taught me in your three years here. i have learned more in the past three years than in all the rest of my years combined. you have taught me patience and understanding, humility and the importance of forgiveness, and while i am nowhere near the mom and person i wish i was, you are helping me to become better with each passing day. i love you more than words could ever describe, and thank my heavenly father every day for the privilege and honor of being your mommy. you mean the world to me, mr. finn jeffrey powell! i honestly don't know what i would do, or who i would be without you.

happy THIRD birthday, cute kid. i know this next year will be a good one. :)
