my sweet gus,
dear boy, how are you 6 months old already?! i think i can honestly say this has been the fastest six months of my life. it's like i blinked and you were half a year old. it makes me so sad at times, but then i just think about how fun you are right now and my sad feelings just turn into contentment with our life as it is in the present.
i think part of the reason i'm able to feel content about you getting older is that you still seem like such a baby to me! more so than either of your big brothers ever did. finn had 3 pounds on you by this age and sam had 4! are teeny tiny. we are talking an itty bitty babe. and i love it! i love that you aren't heavy and that you're easy to hold. i love that i can cradle you in my arms and that you really do seem like a baby. you are wearing 3-6 month clothes and i don't think you'll be out of them any time soon!
you are such a mellow baby. in some ways you are even more mellow than finn was, which is saying something! you rarely make a peep, unless you are hungry, tired or bored. ;) you handle your big brothers mauling you all day so well. i have a feeling you'll be one tough (and patient!) little cookie. for a while there i was actually kind of worried that you might be a bit behind developmentally bc you are just so mellow. but it turns out that's all it seems to be. you're just a content little dude. i love it and i'm so grateful for it.
some things i want to remember about you as a six-month-old:
- you are starting to sit pretty well on your own. it sure makes taking pictures easier. ;)
- you are a pretty smiley babe, and seem to like the ladies. you don't give away your laughs freely though, we have to work for them.
- you still love finn and are totally warming up to sam.
- you think the dogs are so funny, particularly duke. i often find you staring at him amusingly and occasionally you'll break out in fits of laughter.
- you're just starting to play with the toys attached to your "jumper" toy. you don't really jump or bounce in it yet, but you're pretty content to stand for a a good 10-15 minutes usually.
- you still like laying on your playmat.
- you don't love the bumbo. i think ever since you started sitting up on your own you'd just prefer to do that instead.
- you don't like solids. in fact, you won't even swallow them! we've tried pears and apples and carrots and you won't eat any of it! you did, however, seem to love the ice cream i gave you a few weeks ago. it was just a little but you gobbled it right up, so i know you know how to swallow it. ;)
- you sleep 11-12 hours at night (usually 7:30/8:00 - 7:00/7:30 ish) but don't take long naps. it's driving me a little nutty!
- you've been drinking anywhere between 2-6 ounces of formula on top of nursing, usually six times a day. i don't think you're really getting anything from nursing, because you're done in two minutes and only nurse on one side. i have absolutely loved nursing you, but i think we will be done with it soon. :(
- you love dad and grandma but still seem to be a mama's boy through and through and it just melts my whole heart!
you are just my little sweet heart gus-gus and i have loved every minute of having you part of our family. you are just an easy little dude to please and you make every day better. as sad as it is that time is passing by so quickly, there is a part of me that also looks forward to the future and watching you turn into a little boy. i am a total baby mom, but your brothers are pretty hysterical so i look forward to experiencing that with you too. one step at a time though, we are in no rush. ;)
love ya goose!