Thursday, May 7, 2015

..eight months..

my dear sweet gus,

how is it that you are already eight months old? i'm sitting here, wondering where the time has gone and i simply cannot believe it. they say time passes fast when you're having fun, and i can attest to that ten-fold, because since becoming a mom, never has each day and month and year passed by so quickly.

you are still the laid-back, happy, easy-going babe you've been since day one. such an easy little thing, in almost every way possible. sure, you get fussy and there are times when i cannot figure out what is quite wrong with you. but for the most part you, my dear, are as chill as they come. i'm so grateful to my heavenly father for sending you. you are just what i need, and a lot of times you are the only thing that keeps me sane.

one of my favorite things about our family right now is watching you with your big brothers. you adore them. your eyes light up and you get the biggest smile on your face when you hear them or when you see them walking into a room. you sit next to finn in the car, and you just stare at him and smile. i know this because almost every day, while we are out and about, finn says to me, "mom, gus is smiling at me right now!" he absolutely loves it, and so do i. you make us all smile, simply by being you. i have a feeling it will always be this way. i hope so at least. even sammy boy, who can be quite rough and tough, has this way with you. he is as gentle as he gets, and although he can't quite verbally communicate it, i know he loves you more than you'll ever know. boy, what a joy it is to watch my babies become friends with one another. i don't think anything has ever brought me quite as much joy.

some things i want to remember about you as an 8-month-old:
-you are finally starting to roll around! you've been able to roll for about 4 months now, but you haven't seemed to like it until very recently. you still don't love being on your belly, which i'm hoping means it'll be a month or two longer before you crawl. :) not sure i'm ready for a mobile baby just yet.
-you have slobber dripping down your chin and chest! i assume it is from teething, but there are no visible teeth quite yet, so who knows! i feel sort of bad though because your little chest always has a rash on it because it is always wet.
-you are starting to enjoy solids more, but i am still pretty bad about feeding them to you. i really need to make a better effort.
-you can hold your own bottle now, which is quite nice. it allows me to get stuff done, knowing that you are entertained for a bit. i still need to make it a point to hold you while you drink it, at least once or twice a day, because i know that will be something i'll miss in the years to come - holding my babies while they eat.
-you're very grabby - always grabbing whatever is in your reach. especially my hair. ouch! ;)
-still blow out of your diapers, at least once a day. a day!! what exactly the reason is, i'll never know. i have tried different brands, different sizes and nothing seems to work. if its not coming out the back, its coming out your legs or the front. it is insane!
-a few weeks ago we left you with our babysitter for the second time in your life, but this was the first time it was a success! she said you didn't cry once, which i was so grateful for. since then, she's babysat you two more times and you've done pretty well both times. this is such a milestone (for both of us!) because i honestly didn't think i'd every be able to leave you. i have this strong, unexplainable and probably somewhat unhealthy attachment to you. i think it has something to do with the anxiety i've developed since you've been born. i don't like leaving you...with anyone really. but i've gotten better at it, and even left you overnight with dad last week. and i'm proud to say i didn't worry once. what a blessing it was!
-you can patty-cake (clap) by yourself and it is the cutest thing ever!
-you also started waving. i've tried catching it on video but you get all shy and stop whenever i pull my phone out. which is actually kind of uncharacteristic because you normally light up whenever you see me recording you or taking pictures. part of me thinks you might be my little performer. i hope so. :)

my dear gus, you really are as sweet as they come, as cute as they come, and the biggest blessing to our family. as sad as it is to watch you (all my babies really) growing up so dang fast, i can't help but beam with joy and pride at each stage. there really is nothing better in this world than being a mom, and i'll never know why i am so blessed or got so lucky with you and your brothers, but i do know that i'm one lucky gal. thanks for all the love and joy you bring, my sweet babe.
