Saturday, November 10, 2012

..finn is 19 months..

dear baby finn,

in some ways it is weird to call you "baby," because ever since sam was born you seem so old to me! but you are my first little baby, and i have a feeling i will always kind of think of you as my baby. :)

wow, what a month it has been! so many changes for everyone, not the least of which is you! but you have handled all of them exceptionally well. i don't know why i'd be surprised...hello, you are my dream boy and have been since day one.

you are the best big brother i could have ever hoped you'd be to baby sam. you love him, and that is very obvious to anyone who knows our family. all day long, all you want to do is be by him, near him, kissing him, holding him, loving on him. it is enough to melt a momma's heart, i tell ya! i mean, i had a feeling you'd be a really sweet big brother, because that is just your nature. i'm not sure i knew just how sweet you'd be though. sammy boy is lucky to have you, that's for sure.

this past month you turned back into your dreamy baby self. the month before was a bit rough (september). maybe it was because your accident, or maybe september just isn't your month, because now that i think about it, last september was a difficult one too! ha, weird. anyway, you started napping regularly again - 2 hours, twice a day, one in the morning around 9 or 10, the other in the afternoon around 3. you have been sleeping at least 11 hours at night again. none of this waking up at 5 or 6 shenanigans, like you did last month! hallelujah! basically you are just back to yourself. i know this was no accident, i can feel the lord's hand in our lives. he knew we'd need you this way in order to survive the first month with a newborn, and i am forever grateful for that. :)

you still aren't talking as much as i'd thought/hoped you'd be, but all in good time, i'm sure. you definitely are getting closer, i can tell. your gibberish is becoming more pronounced....we can kind of understand what you are saying, even if other people can't. i feel like you've learned how to communicate more effectively, which i'm grateful for, and i'm certain that within the next few months you will start talking up a storm!
my favorite time of year is upon us. i know it will be one of the best holiday seasons yet, with you and your little brother a part of our family. love you more than you'll ever know, sweet boy!


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