Tuesday, May 7, 2013


my favorite thing since having two kiddos has been watching the two of them together. since day one, it has absolutely melted my heart to see how sweet finn is with sam. the moment he met him, he kissed him and it was like he knew this was his little brother. like i honestly believe he knew. :) 

as they have gotten older, not much has changed. finn still loves sam, but as much as he loves to give him hugs and kisses, he also loves to push him, bite him, pinch him, hit him, sit on him.....you name it. let's just say finn is a very typical boy. whenever sam sees finn coming, he gets this nervous/excited look on his face, like, "oh yay, here's finn! i mean oh no, he's coming!!!" it's too funny. i think that the older sam gets and the more he can hold his own, the better off he'll be. ;) 
these pictures explain their relationship perfectly - love/hate! to give you an idea, i snapped these photos all within 3 minutes! lol they (meaning sam!) will go from laughing one second, to crying the next, depending on what finn is doing to him at the moment. :)

i feel like the only thing that comes out of my mouth 90% of the day is, "finn stop it! finn get off sam! finn, don't bite/hit/pinch sam! finn. FINN!!!" haha as stressful as it sometimes is, though, there is also nothing better, and i am so happy we were able to have to kids - two boys - so close in age. i look forward to watching their relationship as it grows and strengthens in the years to come. :) 

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