today marks the 22nd month you have been here on this earth, and a part of our family. it honestly blows my mind, on one hand to think that 22 months have already gone by, and on the other hand to think that you've only been here 22 months. i know that totally contradicts itself, and doesn't make sense at all, but when i think about our family, it's like i don't even remember being a family before you came. i guess our life just started as soon as you got here, and honestly, i wouldn't have it any other way. dad and i had fun when we were first married, with no kids and a lot less responsibility, but the amount of love in our lives grew tenfold when you got here. at the same time, your almost-two-years here have gone by in the blink of an eye, and it makes me really sad to look back and realize how fast you are growing up. i have loved every single phase you've gone through (well, almost, ha) and i know in lots of ways things will just get even better. but there is so much of me that wishes i could just press pause, or rewind even, because you are turning into a little man too dang fast.
here are a few things i want to remember about you at this age.....
-you are talking more and more every day, and i'm loving it! hearing words come out of your mouth is one of my favorite things as a mom, yet. my favorite words of yours are "cracker," (which comes out "crahckah"), "bumbo," "sam," (comes out "nam"), "baby" ("beebee"), and "w," ("dubadubooh). haha there really are too many to list.
-you can now repeat the alphabet. it only took a day or two for you to really be able to say most of the letters pretty clearly. this is something we try and work on every day!
-when we ask you how old you are, you now hold up one finger and say "two." haha i don't know when or why you started doing this. in the past, when we've asked you how old you are, you always just held up one finger. i don't know why you started to say you're two!
-you learned what a snowmobile and truck say: "roomroomroomroom," (said in a very, throaty voice). haha dad taught you these. one day we were out running errands, and i all the sudden hear you say, "rooommroom," just as we were passing a truck! it was too cute.
-you officially switched over to taking just one nap a day. we still haven't totally figured out what time is best for you to go down, and the length of your naps is still very unpredictable. some days you'll sleep only two hours, other days four hours, and most days three hours. for the most part the transition hasn't been too terrible, and even though we've been cooped up in our house, you and i still find plenty to keep us entertained until nap time. :)
-you started spending some time in time-out this past month. this may sound horrible, but there are times when i put you in time-out, and it's all i can do to keep from laughing! haha sometimes you're pretty good when you're in time-out, and will stand patiently in the corner until it's time to come out. but most of the time you try and flirt or charm your way out, and that is when i really have a hard time not laughing. you'll look up at me with those baby blues and say "hi-eee" in your cute sing song voice and my heart melts a little. :) i do feel that you understand the concept, somewhat, and that you refrain from doing the naughty things that put you in time-out in the first place.
-you really have started to take an interest in the iPad, and are becoming really good at the games we have downloaded for you! just in the past few days you have learned to do things on there, and it literally blows my mind. you can unlock the iPad, get into one of your games and just start playing without help from me or dad. you are so close to figuring out how to play "sesame street" on netflix. craziness!! we went to island park this weekend, and having the iPad to entertain you made the drive there and back soooo much more bearable for all of us! :)
-choo choo's are definitely your favorite toy/thing right now. one of the games on the iPad has a choo-choo, and every time you turn the game on you say, "hi choo choo!" haha we have a few little trains around the house, and you love playing with those. i'm so glad, because i think trains are so cute and fun!
-you sing the clean up song whenever we clean up your toys. i guess you don't really sing it, but you hum it, it's really cute, and you do it every single time.
-you are becoming very helpful. you love carrying things in from the car for me and dad, you have helped dad take the garbage out a few times, you like putting the dishes away (mostly the silverware), you still like throwing both yours and sam's diapers away, and the list goes on! it amazes me how i can ask you to do certain things, and you'll actually do them! keep up the good work, kiddo! :)
-you still love your baby bro so much. you give him kisses and hugs all day long. you just love to be near him. one of my favorite things lately, is that when i go get sam in his crib after he's woken up from a nap, you'll come in there with me, climb up on his crib so you can see him, say "hi nam," then try and give him a kiss! if you can't reach, you ask me to help you! i love seeing you with him. it's my absolute favorite thing. :)
-one thing i don't like is this hitting phase you seem to be in. i don't know if you feel provoked by the dogs, or if you just think they are playing with you, but you try and whack them all day long. it is getting really annoying. the thing is, you love the dogs, and it's very obvious, which is what leads me to think you are just playing a game. but it isn't just the dogs. you do it to us to. the person you do it to the least is sam, which i'm kind of surprised about, but grateful for at the same time. hopefully this is just a short phase that you'll grow out of soon.
well mister, we've had a pretty boring month. besides the trip we took to island park this weekend, we haven't really done a single thing. it is so unlike us. normally we are all about getting out of the house, even if it's just to go walk/stroll around the mall, but we haven't done that very much even! there was one day, a week or two ago, that i drove to the mall because i was just going stir crazy. we got into the parking garage and i decided i didn't feel like getting out of the car, so i just pulled out of the garage to head home. you started screaming as soon as you realized we weren't going in! haha i think you were needing to get out of the house even more than me! i have just been so worried about going anywhere because i don't want you kidlets getting sick. you had the flu (just a 48 hour bug) last week, and it's just no fun seeing you sick. you were so cuddly, which i secretly loved, but it really wasn't worth it because i could just tell how miserable you felt. poor babe.
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..taking pictures with your friends at the superbowl party.. |
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..the day you were sick. you just wanted to cuddle all day, it was so unlike you :(.. |
love you more than you'll ever know. a million billion times infinity squared, to the moon and back, and beyond!
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