Thursday, May 2, 2013

..april in review..

since i am so bad at actually sitting down and writing anything, here is the past month in pictures. which, let's be honest, pictures are better anyway. :)
1) finn playing with mom's mascara 2) sam & corbin 3) first time @ the aquarium 4) guys night in the hot tub
5) sam holding his own baba 6) brothers 7&8) the dino play place at city creek
9) sam & reese sittin in a tree 10) moustache bash 11) carousel @ the zoo 12) finn waving to the giraffes
13) grandma & finn watching the sea lions 14&15) swiiiings 16) driving the grocery cart

this past month went by way waaaaaay too fast. seriously, how is it already may?! someone step on the pause....slow the crap down! i need to enjoy my babes being babes. but since time seems to have this way of creeping up on us, i guess i'll just keep snappin' photos in hopes that when they are all grown up, i can look back and maybe somewhat remember what it was like to have little ones. gosh, i love it. and i sure do love them. :) 

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