Saturday, June 22, 2013


a few days ago, i noticed finn had his hands together this certain way, as if he had been taught some sort of sign. i then remembered over-hearing a fellow mom standing outside the nursery room one sunday during singing time say, "oh, that must be where he learned it, he's been doing that with his hands all week." they were singing the song, i love to see the temple, at the time. so i put two and two together, and realized that finn was trying to sing "i love to see the temple." so i asked him if he wanted to sing it, to which he excitedly responded, "yes!" and from then on we've been singing that song non-stop at our house. finn caught on to the tune extremely fast (the kid is pretty musical, always has been) and every day he learns more and more words to it. i think he'll have the song memorized in no time!
i decided that while he is so into this song, i should probably jump on the opportunity to teach him about the temple, so we went on a little drive up to the bountiful temple. we got out of the car and walked up to the gate, and finn was in plain awe. he just stood there with his hands clutching the fence, staring up at it. almost as if at 2-years-old he understands the power and majesty of that beautiful building. he walked right through the fence and up the hill, trying to get a better look. lol it just melted my heart! a couple days later we picked up a pizza at dominos then went and found a little grassy area across the street from the temple to eat it. finn just sat and stared at it the whole time, of course while singing the song. it's the cutest thing ever. now whenever we drive in that direction, whether it be to pick up a pizza at dominos or go to nanny goat's house, finn always asks, "bemple? bemple?"

i love seeing the interest that he is taking in gospel principles at the ripe old age of 2. i know that he doesn't understand much, and that he is more just stuck on the tune of the song, but that is how we learn, and that is how our testimonies start, and it just makes my heart so happy. i'm so thankful that lance got called to be the young men's secretary because ever since we have gotten in the habit of going to church and staying for all three meetings, and it has definitely paid off. just to see finn so infatuated with the "bemple" is witness enough. :)

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