Wednesday, July 31, 2013

..july in pictures..

..finn's nap was lasting longer than normal, so i went to check on him. the first picture was when he saw me open his door - he knew he was in trouble! but he just looked up at me and said, "uh oh." lol this kid is a total crack-up!!..
..uncle z's biggest fans, watching him golf in the utah championship..
..9 month dr appointment. happy as a clam...until those darn shots, that is.. night at station park in farmington. the boys were loving the fountain!..
..visiting grandma keller one last time before she passed away. the second pic is sam & great-great grandpa sam - the person sammy boy was named after (grandma keller's dad).. & finn in their kilts, off to play in a scout court of honor. i told ya finn's kilt would come in handy one day!..
..nordstrom balloons strike again! kept both kids entertained long enough for me to do some anniversary sale shopping..
..celebrating robby's 30th b-day in style - in a limo!!! after we went to dinner, lindsey booted some of the grown ups outta the car so that the little kidlets could come in. finn was loving that he didn't have to sit in a carseat!.. day in nursery, laurel asked finn (for no particular reason) if he wanted to wear this helmet. she put it on him, then a few minutes later went to open the toy cabinet. finn was standing by her, and when she opened it, a large toy fell off the top shelf and hit finn right on the head, cracking the helmet in two! good thing he was wearing it. i totally think laurel was inspired to put it on him..
..1) lounging on the hammock at carol marriott's 2) hillary's baby shower 3) finn asleep in the car. looks comfy! ;)
4) finn practicing the 'pipes with dad 5) finn, unsure about his new haircut 6) right before dad jumped out of a plane!!
7) sammy asleep in the car. those cheeks!!! 8) brothers playing together on a warm summer day 9) finn being cute. 

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