Thursday, January 10, 2013

..finn @ 21 months..

dear baby finn,

man alive, are you turning into the cutest little toddler ever? i know i'm biased, but i think so! seriously, you just crack me up and keep me rolling on the ground all day long. when i'm not laughing at all the silly things you do, i'm either in tears at how fast you're growing up, in awe over all the sweet things you do all day, mostly to your brother, and how smart you are becoming, or wanting to pull my hair out because of all the crazy toddler temper tantrums you so frequently throw. okay okay, you aren't that bad, and i know that i should probably thank my lucky stars that you are as good of a kid as you are, but for real dude, some days you do make me want to pull my hair out. ;)

some things i want to remember about you at 21 months.....
-you love to throw sam's diapers away. for a while there, you would scrunch up clean diapers and throw them in the diaper genie! haha
-you are starting to say more and more words all the time, and sometimes you can even ask for things you want, such as "wa-wa?" (water) or "nahk?" (fruit snacks).
-you like to help clean up your toys, then dump them all out again. that doesn't get annoying at all. ;)
-you are finally drinking milk out of a sippy cup instead of a bottle! hallefreakinlujah! the transition was actually tons easier than i was anticipating. i just found some sippy cups that kind of look like bottles (they are most clear) and as luck would have it they are the same kind of sippy you are already used to. so one day, in a really excited voice, i said, "finn, look at this new baba i got for you!!!! are you soooo excited?!!!" and you drank from it like a champ! now you will drink milk from all sippy cups. :)
-you are learning to feed yourself. i haven't been very good about giving you opportunities to try, thanks to the neat freak in me. :( i guess i've just been worried about the messes you'd make. but i realized that it feeding yourself is probably an important thing for you to know how to do, so one day i let you have at it and you really surprised me with how well you did. you are getting better at it every day.
-you love to color and draw. the first thing you do every morning, after drinking your milk and watching sesame street, is go into your room and color on the easel grandma cindy gave you for christmas.
-you are transitioning toward only taking one nap a day. i'm a little sad about this, but really surprised how long you went taking two naps a day. bless your little heart!!

i know i probably sometimes sound like a broken record, but i just can't explain in words how much i love you, and how proud i am to be your mom. even on the toughest of days, when i realllly see the two-year-old coming out in you, there are so many moments when my heart just swells with pride, and i come close to tears just at the thought of what being your mommy means to me. you and your little brother are my whole world, and i'm so beyond thankful you are mine!

love you dear boy!


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