Friday, January 11, 2013

..sam is three months old..

dear sammy boy,

three months have already passed us by, in the blink of an eye it seems! with the holidays, your blessing, and having visitors in town this past month, i feel like we were constantly on the go, trying to get things all ready! you have changed so much in such a short amount of time, and it makes me a little sad. i wish i could keep you my little baby forever.

some things about you at three months:

-you are no longer nursing. i struggled with feelings of guilt for a few weeks before finally just quitting altogether, but the fact of the matter is, you were never getting enough with just nursing. we started supplementing with formula early on, and i think it's just a downward spiral from there. i'm trying to look at the positive side of things though....formula has come such a long way in the past few years (or so they say), so hopefully you will be just as healthy as you'd be if i'd nursed longer. and i must say, it is so convenient to just whip up a bottle, rather than nursing first, then getting a bottle ready, etc etc. you drink about 6 oz every 4 hours.
-as stated above, you eat approximately every 4 hours, stay awake for an hour or so, then go back down. i love the time when you are awake....we sit and play and laugh and smile together. i sure do appreciate and love those moments.
-until very recently your were only sleeping 6 or 7 hours a night. i was getting really antsy to get you on more of a schedule, hoping that would help you sleep longer at night, and as luck would have it, it did! we've only been doing it for a couple days, but you've been sleeping like a rock star! 10 or 11 hours at night! woot woot!
-we started putting you to sleep in a sleep sack, and you do a little better in that, because it is more difficult for you to kick your way out of!
-you are so close to giggling. i think you kind of do giggle, it's just not like a really belly laugh, ya know? you have this high-pitched squeal, and it so so cute. :)
-you still smile all day long! dad and i are always commenting on how much we love that you smile. your big bro was not like this - he made us work for smiles. you, however, give them out freely, and it couldn't make us any happier!
-you've just started to notice the dogs and you watch them with a little smirk on your face. you do the same thing with finn. i'm pretty sure you think he is hilarious, which, let's be honest, he is!
i'm sure there are many more things i'm forgetting, but for now this will have to do. sammy boy, your daddy and i love you more than you'll ever know. you bring so much love and happiness to our family. my love for you grows each and every day and there are so many times throughout the day that i am just overcome with such overwhelming love for you. i know that it was heavenly father's will for you to come down to us, and even though we can sometimes be crazy, i hope that you'll grow to love being a powell.


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