Monday, March 18, 2013

..hippity, hoppity, easter's on its way..

today we went to visit the easter bunny, and what an adventure it was! i had a feeling finn wouldn't like him (since he hated santa) but thought there may be a chance he'd gotten over that fear of unfamiliar, strange-looking creatures. alas, the fear has only increased. haha fear might even be an understatement. he didn't mind him from afar, but the moment we tried to set him on his lap to take a picture, finn lost it! head dove right off the rabbit's lap! luckily i was standing close enough by to catch him before he face planted into the ground!
call me a horrible mom, but i really wanted that classic "child crying on strange creature's lap" picture, so i made finn endure it once more. the photographer's had to be pretty quick on the trigger in order to get the shot, but it didn't disappoint! seriously the funniest picture ever!

hopefully finn won't hate me too much when he's older! ;)

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