Thursday, July 18, 2013 year older and wiser too..

happy birthday to yours truly! haha i hope you don't mind while i sing the birthday song to myself. ;)

i'm 27 years old. how is that possible? typing it, it sounds so old. ;) yet i feel so young, so i guess i have nothing to worry about. hopefully. i am so grateful for all the blessings i have in my life. to be 27 and have done all the things i've done, and have all the things i! puts things into perspective.

my day was filled with family and friends, which is just the way i like it. today is thursday, which means playdate with the phippen's. we went to the fountain at the gateway and let the boys run around in the water to their hearts content. turns out none of them really liked it haha. i don't know what it is about locke, mccoy and chelsey, but finn turns into a shy little dude when we're with them. i think it is because chelsey was really the only person i left finn with when he was little. only for a few hours at a time, and i could probably count on one hand the number of times i left him with her, but apparently it was enough time to scar him for life?! haha he just shuts down when we're together, it kinda breaks my heart. :( but we do have fun together, and usually finn warms up to just takes a little time. after the fountain, chelsey took us to rocky mountain chocolate factory to pick out a birthday treat. i got my usual - chocolate english toffee caramel apple, and finn got a sucka.

madison came over to babysit that evening, and lance, my mom and dad took me out to dinner at my favorite place - fiveall's. my aunt becky was our waitress, which we're always grateful for - she treats us well. as in, gives us lots of extra food! i went all out this year and had the filet oscar, rather than my usual chicken kiev. i'm telling you, maybe 27 will bring out the party animal in me?! haha jk. it was so nice of my dad to make the trip up from st. george, just to celebrate my birthday with me. he even picked up the check, which is always a bonus. ;)

lance and i ended the night with a movie - grown ups 2. it was really stupid. i'm talking realllllllly stupid. the first one was so unbelievably funny so i really had my hopes up. and they were really crushed. haha i'm serious, we almost walked out.

i was definitely showered with love by lots of different people. i got the sweetest cards, texts and facebook posts - many of which brought tears to my eyes. my mom and lance sure know how to make a girl feel spoiled. lance surprised me with my favorite flowers and a shopping spree, and my mom gave me a generous gift card to my favorite place (nordy's). and my cute friend lindsey gave me the cutest card and a gift card to the gap (she knows me well)! it was definitely a great birthday!

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