Thursday, July 11, 2013

..sammy boy is 9 months..

dear sam,

another month has come and gone and i see your first birthday rapidly approaching! ahh yikes!! i love that your growing and developing and doing all the things a boy your age should be doing, but at the same time it means you are turning from baby to toddler and that makes me quite sad. i want to keep you my baby. ;(

this past month has been so fun - we are loving summer! although it is rather hot, but still, something  about the sunshine and blazing hot temperatures just make me happy. we spend quite a bit of time each day outside in the backyard. you love being on the grass, in the swing, on the trampoline - wherever! you just love being outside. we went camping. we've had lots of bbq's, celebrated the 4th of july, watched lots of different firework shows (most of them put on by dear ol' dad). this is such a fun month, and i'm so happy to have you here to celebrate with us. last year at this time you were snug as a bug in my belly and i remember then, thinking how a year from now you'd be here and we'd be doing all the same things, but with you in tow. i must say, i absolutely love it. :)

some things about you as a 9-month-old:

- you started clapping this month! yay!!
- you still love food, and have pretty much loved everything we've offered to you. some of your favorites right now are eggs and peanut butter.
- you say mamamama all day. even though i know you don't know what you're saying, it makes me so happy. and when you say that after you've been bonked on the head by your big bro, or fall over, it just breaks my heart. i love hearing you call for mama. ;)
- you can get yourself into a sitting position.
- you officially started crawling! GO sammy boy!!! i'm not gonna lie - i've been a bit worried about ya haha, mostly just because finn had been crawling for nearly three months by this age! i know that's why we don't compare though - because all babies move at a different pace. and apparently you were comfortable just being stagnant. it's so fun watching you move though.
- we had to lower your crib. :(
- you love the water! we've been to raging waters a few times and you just have the time of your life relaxing in the lazy river. :)
- you take 2 naps a day. they vary in length, but i'd say on average you take 4 hrs worth of naps each day.
- you sleep from 8-7/7:30ish every night. dreamy!!
- you love your dada. i love seeing this bond form. it is very apparent how excited you are when dad gets home from work - you just light up and can't stop smiling.
- you are not a fan of your carseat right now. i have a feeling you'd be much more comfortable in an upright seat, but i'm not ready to move you to one of those just yet. any time i have to put you in your carseat though, you immediately arch your back and start whining. silly boy. ;)
- you can pick food up by yourself, such as puffs, cheerios or anything we put in front of you.
- you put EVERYTHING in your mouth that you can lay your hands on. i mean everything!! this is quite frustrating and sometimes scary. like i'm pretty sure if we opened your belly up, we'd find grass, bugs, rocks, dirt, lint, dog food, dog poo, and a bunch of other stuff that ain't pretty! ;)
- it is super easy to make you smile and laugh still, and that is one of the things we have loved about you from the very start. you are so happy (most of the time) and people comment on that everywhere we go. :)

at your 9 month doctor appointment, dr reese said you are developing right on track and are healthy as can be. he sure gets a kick outta you whenever we go in - he said you haave a great personality already. :) your stats at 9 months old are:

weight: 20lbs 3oz (44th percentile)
height: 28.5 inches (60th percentile)
head circ: 43.5 cm (8th percentile)

we sure love our little samuel james. you light up our life and i can't imagine our family without you! thanks for always putting a smile on our faces, making us laugh and keeping us on our toes. you are the best!


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