Saturday, August 31, 2013

..august in pictures..

..aww you look cute, even with 4-eyes. ;) i have a feeling you'll need glasses so we better get used to it.. watching finn & krew grow over the years, even if it is sad how fast it happens ;(..
..finn was so proud he put his jammies on all by himself. i'm not sure if he knew something wasn't quite right lol..
..oh you know, just eating dirt. boys will be boys!..
..landon walker's baby blessing..
..hugs & kisses for cousin shaya..
..we love when the liechty's come to town!..
..2-year-old interactions. getting burned by each other already!..
..just eating cookies. he sat contentedly and ate 3. you don't get cheeks like that by eating vegetables! ;).. shopping the right way. sam was l.o.v.i.n.g. it! squealed with delight the whole time..
..having fun on their new bikes..
..brotherly love..
..playdate with warren & griffin..
..happy birthday, uncle z!..
..helping grandma make french toast one morning..
..bones for uncle z & grandpa while watching zac at the utah open..
..claus & finn, both a little unsure of the crows.. at the ogden dinosaur park..
..showing grandpa his mad golf skills..
..1) looking at himself in the "mirror" 2) date night @ ruth's chris 3) love that bum stickin' straight in the air!
4) fun @ the ward summer bbq 5) he still loves to see the temple 6) cute sammy at 10.5 months old
7) farmers market with grandma 8) oh you know, just a typical day, shopping at lowe's ;) 9) breakfast date w/my whit..

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