Tuesday, December 30, 2014

..twins three years apart..

when i put pictures of finn & gus at the same ages side-by-side, it amazes me how alike they look. there are definitely some differences, don't get me wrong, but for the most part i think they look almost identical. almost daily, while i'm holding gus, i'll look down at his cute little face and totally experience deja vu. flashbacks to when it was baby finn in my arms, over three and a half years ago! it is insane, people.

snapping photos of the two of them together a) melts my freakin' heart, and b) is like a mirror-image, only gus is looking into himself, three years in the future. :) i can't wait to see if these two always stay twins three years apart, or if as they grow, they'll start to look more different.

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