Wednesday, April 10, 2013

..finn is TWO..

dear finn,

me oh my, you are TWO years old! i find myself wondering how on earth that happened. wasn't it just yesterday that we headed to the hospital and began the greatest adventure we've ever been on?  to think that one of the happiest days of my life was two years ago - it blows my mind. i can't help but shed a few tears as i sit here thinking back on it all. and while a part of me yearns to mourn the loss of you as my sweet baby boy - the one who introduced me to motherhood and the many blessings that come along with it - there is a bigger part of me that loves watching you learn and grow and become a bigger boy, each and every day. i only fear that i'll blink and you'll be on a mission, for time seems to fly that fast.

a few things i want to remember about you as a new 2-year-old:
-you say "thank you" after almost everything. and you wait for a, "you're welcome." if we don't say it, you keep saying "thank you." it's so sweet!
-can climb up the rock wall on your swing set.
-saying more words each and every day, and they are beginning to sound like the actual word, rather than gibberish. :) i think you'll be talking our ear off any day now!
-some of my favorite words to hear you say are: abby (dyreng's dog), becky, lowee (chloe. it used to be lo-lo), sucka (sucker), elmo, iPahh (iPad), all done, more, all gone, manyah (sandwich), nak (fruit snack), eese (cheese), daddee, babee, du (duke), nowing (snowing), ah yah (thank you), baf (bath) and i'm sure the list could go on!
-you love love LOVE elmo. you seriously light up when "elmo's word" comes on sesame street.
-you associate certain things with certain people. for example, one day we were driving up to grandma cindy's house, and almost the instant we drove into parley's canyon, you said "mama (grandma), lolo (chloe).
-you learned that my name is becky, and i often hear you in another room, calling out, "becky, becky." it is one of the few words you can say perfectly. go figure, the one word you'll never have to use! ;)
-you can get into the fridge, pick out a snack (such as cheese or yogurt), open it up and begin eating it. astonishing!
-you can count to three. the 3 comes out "wheee" so we're not sure if you are saying "1, 2, whee" or "1, 2, 3" haha either way it's adorable.
-you don't like being left with many people, but you do love your babysitter, madison. any time we leave you with her, we come home and you're happy as can be. :)
-you're no longer a fan of the high chair. and by that, i mean you will not sit in it. when we go out to eat you last about 10 minutes in a booster seat, then it's onto a regular chair or booth you go. you also have decided you don't like sitting in the stroller. as a result, we don't really go anywhere anymore! ;)

you are getting smarter and more coordinated by the day (and that is saying something, because you've been pretty dang coordinated from the start!). it's much easier to help you during tantrums, or when you're frustrated, now that you can talk a little.

speaking of tantrums, oh my! it's as if something came and bit you in the but the day you turned 2 (or maybe a little before). i never thought your tantrums would be too bad, because you're such an easy going kid. i was wrong! you can throw one just like any other two year old and it is frustrating for your momma and dad. oh well, i suppose we must pay our dues, and i hear it's either the terrible two's or terrible three's.

you got the stomach flu for the first time this past month, and that was no fun at all. you threw up four or five me, it was gross. and so sad to see you so miserable. fingers crossed it doesn't happen again for a while!

at your 2-year well child check, dr reese asked us a few questions about your development. he asked if you've started to run. started to run? i told him you've been running pretty much ever since you learned to walk. ;) he also asked us if you're a picky eater (apparently it's a commonality among two-year-olds), to which dad and i responded, yes, you are. he said his rule is, "what's fixed is what's fixed is what's fixed." if i make a meal, and you won't eat it, you don't eat until the next meal. no more makin' you special dinners! ;) he said that teaches you that what's fixed is what's fixed, and more importantly, that dad and i are in charge. :) i was worried that you're a bit behind, because by now you should be putting 3-4 word sentences together, and you only very rarely do that. but dr reese said he isn't at all concerned, because you are so advanced in the motor skills department. he says that isn't uncommon among boys your age. phew! no need to worry. you are on track developmentally, and a healthy little boy. :)

your stats at two-years-old:
weight: 27lbs 8 oz - 47th percentile
height: 34 inches - 47th percentile
head circ: 49cm - 59th percentile

anyway mr finn, i just want you to know how much i love you. i wish you wouldn't grow up so fast, however i suppose that's just the way it is. i cherish each day i get to spend watching you grow and learn and experiencing the world through your eyes. you are the cutest big brother and one amazing little man and i just don't know what i'd ever do without you.


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