dear sammy boy,
6 months old already! geez louise, can we just press pause?! i probably say the same thing every month, but it's because time just has this way of creeping up on us. while it's strange to think you are already six months old, it's also as if i can't remember what our family was like before you came here. it seems like you've always been a part of us, so in some ways it feels like you've been here longer than six months. probably the fact that you are huge makes you seem older too. seriously kid, you are a chubb. and i love it. :)
as you grow each day, we start to see more and more of your personality coming out, and i love it. you are for sure a little sweetheart, with a very tender side. you love to know that we are near by, and when unfamiliar faces are in front of you, you still get really nervous. you adore your big bro, but you still get that look on your face when you hear or see him. it's like, "uh oh...he's coming. what's he gonna do to me this time?!" lol seriously so funny! you can also be sort of dramatic from time to time. for instance, when finn takes a toy from you that you've been playing with, you scream bloody murder. just protecting your territory early on, i guess. ;)
a few things i want to remember about you as a six-month-old:
- you're sitting up very well, and i think it is your preferred method these days (rather than lying on your back or your tummy.)
-speaking of preferred methods, you hate - and i mean HATE - tummy time. you start whining after about 30 seconds, then the whine turns into crying after about 2 minutes.
-you are drooling like crazy!! i thought for sure you'd have a tooth ready to cut through, but the dr says you're not close. :( boo. we hate teething!
- as stated above, you're afraid of people you don't know
- you laugh at finn when he plays peek-a-boo with you or on those rare occasions he gets in your face and doesn't hit, pinch, bite or push you. ;) you also laugh at the dogs when they start barking hysterically.
- you laugh hysterically when playing peek-a-boo. sometimes i'll hide and jump out so you can see, rather than just covering my face. that is when the laughs really start to come!
- you make funny faces with your mouth. i think you must be playing with your tongue!
- you're sooo close to rolling from your back to your stomach.
- you are pretty tempermental when it comes to a schedule, i.e. if we don't follow it you are fussy all day.
- we gave you a taste of yogurt and you loved it!
- started babbling dadadadadadadada. you do this a lot!
because we had our cruise planned, i decided not to start feeding you baby food until we got back, because that would just be one more thing to pack. i know, i know, i'm lazy. but we're gonna start real soon here, i promise!
at your 6 month dr appointment, the doctor said you are pretty much right on track. you should technically be rolling by now, but the dr. reese didn't seem too concerned. he said in the next few months you'll be moving around like crazy. it's weird to think that by this age, finn was crawling, and at 7 months he was standing and crawling up the stairs! i'm actually kind of glad you aren't there yet - it's just one more thing to worry about. ;) but i know it will happen in time and we'll be glad when it does.
6-month stats:
weight: 18lbs 3oz - 60th percentile
height: 27 1/2 inches - 82nd percentile
head circ: 43 cm - 26th percentile
i love watching you grow each day. as sad as it is to see you growing up, there is also nothing better in the entire world. you are just so innocent, sweet, and precious, and we love having you a part of our family.
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