dear baby finn,
i know you are not a baby anymore, but i still like to think of you as that. it is amazing to me that you are already 2 1/2 years old. it honestly feels like just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. it is also amazing how much you have grown and changed in those two and a half years. you've gone from a helpless little baby who depended on his mom and dad for everything, to an independent little toddler, who, for the most part, doesn't need (or want) help with hardly anything. i've absolutely loved watching you grow and learn over these past 30 months, and feel so honored that i get to be along for the ride, experiencing life through your eyes.
you are still my sweet baby boy, that is really the best way to describe you. you are inherently sweet and good. you have your moments when you torture sam, just like i'm sure all big brothers do. you can be mean and nasty to him (and others), but for the most part you are such a little angel. i've said it from the start and it still rings true today, you are an angel baby. you are easy going, mild-mannered. your temper tantrums last a whole 3 minutes most of the time. you are obedient, you follow directions, you are a rule-follower. you remind me so much of me, which scares me a little, but my heart also brims with pride watching you. i love you so much, finn. words could never describe how much.
over the past six months you have grown and learned
so much. it is amazing how fast you change. here are some things i want to remember about you at this age:
- you started talking (putting sentences together) mid-july, and have talked non-stop ever since. it's like you went from saying nothing, to saying everything. you have us rolling on the ground pretty much the entire day. i'm always calling dad and grandma to tell them the funny things that come out of your mouth. when we aren't rolling on the ground laughing at what you're saying, our jaws are dropped in amazement. you'll repeat things that you heard us say days or weeks ago, and we're always like, "how did he remember that?" this whole talking business is one of my top-2 favorite developmental milestones (the other one was watching you learn to walk).
- you are very possessive of your toys, and since you think sam's toys are yours, your possessive of his too! i'm sure this is normal, but anytime sam picks something you, you instinctively snatch it out of his hand and say, "no baby sam!" we are constantly telling you to give things back to him, and trying our best to teach you the concept of sharing.
- you are very helpful and obedient. you'll do small favors for me, such as getting bottles that are up in your room, while i'm doing the dishes, handing sam a toy or a snack. a few weeks ago we were out jumping on the trampoline. you were getting off the tramp so that you could go inside and get a snack. as you were getting down, i noticed you had a poopy diaper so i said, "finn, while you're inside will you grab a diaper and some wipes so i can change your bum?" i was totally kidding, because there was no part of me that thought you would actually do that! you had been inside for about 5 minutes, and i was about to get off the tramp and come check on you, when low and behold, you walk out the back door holding a diaper and wipes! i was literally shocked, and could not stop laughing. seriously dude, you rock!
- you always want to be doing what we're doing. when i'm vacuuming the house, you grab your vacuum and vacuum with me. when dad is mowing the lawn, you go out and mow the lawn. you love whisking eggs, rolling out pie crusts, putting makeup & deodorant on, brushing your teeth, etc.
- you can count to 12. after that you start to make up numbers. ;)
- you've known your abc's for a while now, and
hate it when we try and sing along with you. you'll only do it by yourself.
- some of your favorite songs are twinkle, twinkle little star, i love to see the temple & elmo's world. one day i went to pick you up from nursery, and the leaders said, "finn LOVES 'i love to see the temple.' he knows every word, even better than the leaders do!" i assured them that this is a well-known fact in our house, and that you've been singing it for months. :)
- you are constantly pointing out temples and churches. one day we were down in south jordan, going from house to house in the parade of homes. we were getting close to the oquirrh mountain temple, when all the sudden we hear in the backseat, "wook, da temple!" haha we were so proud. you love driving past the salt lake temple and the capitol building (which we do quite often since you also love going to the mall. ahhh, a kid after my own heart. ;)).
- we
have to repeat back to you whatever you say, otherwise you will not stop saying it! this gets really old, really fast. haha
- when you have an owie, we have to kiss it better, then you are all better! it really makes me think that pain is mostly mental, because you'll be screaming, as if you're in excruciating pain, but the second we "piss it better," (as you say!) you are all better. for the most part, anyway.
- you are an extremely polite kid. you always say thank you (we're still working on please). when you're trying to get by me (like in a confined space), you'll say "excuse me mama." haha it is seriously the cutest, sweetest thing ever, and people notice it. the other day at the grocery store, you were holding a balloon that we were going to purchase, so i told you to hand it to the cashier. you did, she scanned it, then handed it back to you and you immediately said "fank you." the cashier didn't hear you, so you said it again! the people in line behind us said, "wow! what a polite kid!!" definitely a proud mom moment. :)
- you get so excited to see sam in the morning and when you wake up from your naps. you'll rush into his room (sometimes when he's still sleeping), and say, "hiiiiiii babee sam, doin'??" (hi baby sam, how ya doin?). it is so sweet. he loves you, and usually gets the biggest grin on his face when he sees you. you are still a little rough with him. i'm sure this is just a boy thing, so i've started to accept it. :)
- you repeat everything we say, and i mean
everything! like dad and i will just be having a conversation in the car, and we'll hear you in the backseat, repeating under your breath every thing we're saying. it definitely has made us more aware of what is coming out of our mouths!! ;)
- one day we had some friends come over for a little playgroup. some of the people that came were people that you've never played with before (laura collard, one of her friends, jessica clayton. lindsey & corbin, and chelsey & her boys came too). well when they got here, you got really possessive of your toys. i told you to share, so you let them play with your stuff, but you were noticeably upset about it. you started crying over something, and didn't stop for 20 minutes. so i said, "k finn, we're gonna be out back, come out if you want to play." you stayed inside and kept crying, so i came to check on you about 10 minutes later (30 minutes into our playgroup, mind you). when i got upstairs, i could hear you out in the garage so i went out there. you were trying to open the car door, and when you saw me you said, "come on, let's go, let's go," through your hysterical sobs. haha i told you that we weren't going anywhere, and asked you to come out and play with our friends. you balled "no!" then asked to take a nap!! it was seriously the weirdest thing ever. so i got ya a bottle and laid you down in your bed. you didn't fall asleep (since it was only 11 am) and eventually you came downstairs and watched sesame street on the iPad. as soon as everyone was leaving is when you decided to be your cute, happy self. i'm sure everyone thought you were a strange little duck! lol
- you watch sesame street every morning, and you have at least 2 episodes memorized. you rewind to the same parts over and over and over again, it is really funny.
- we've made attempts at potty-training, but never whole-hearted attempts. maybe once a week you'll wear your undies, and you do pretty good about going pee in the potty. you have no interest in going poo, though. i think it is a matter of just getting down to business and doing it, so maybe we'll give it a real go in the next month or so.
- you talk to a "spirit" in our house, daily. at first, this was a cause for some concern. it all started when grandma, uncle zac and alicia were over for dinner one night. we were eating out on the patio, and you kept saying what sounded like "spirit." zac thought you must be referring to a ghost, but i dismissed that because you've never learned the term spirit in that sense (that i know of anyway!). well a few weeks later, you were standing at the top of the stairs, calling down to the dark basement, and said, "come on spirit, let's go! let's go spirit." whoa, what??? it has been about a month, and you mention it every day usually. i do know we have a ghost in our house (because i have seen it!). i've always thought she was friendly because she's never caused any trouble (just flickers lights, turns your toys on, shuts doors every now and then), so i'm not too concerned about the fact that you can see her. maybe it isn't even her. a lot of people think it could be a family member. whoever this spirit is, i hope it continues to be a friendly one for all our sakes. :)
- you drink 3 sippy cups a day. they have to be in certain sippy's, otherwise you won't drink them.
- you sing certain parts of certain songs on the radio. i love this! it always gives me a chuckle. whenever the pink/nate reuss song comes on, you say, "mom! favorite song!" lol because i used to say, "finn, it's our favorite song!" too cute.
- you are very sensitive and will only do things in front of others if you know you'll succeed at it.
- just in the past month you have totally broken out of your shell and have become extremely friendly. you used to be so shy, and you still have your shy moments, but i've loved watching you become more comfortable with others. a couple weeks ago when we were at grandma & grandpa hansen's house, you were the only kid there and everyone was getting the biggest kick outta you! you would laugh at everyone's jokes, answer the questions they asked you (like, what's your name? how old are you? what is your baby brother's name? etc). david said something that we all laughed at, and you immediately threw your head back and said "haha, dave's so funny." i dropped you off at chelsey's last week so i could run some errands. you didn't cry once, and when i picked you up you were happy as can be, loudly running around, giggling and playing with locke. definite break through! you also love playing with brecken and addison. we went to the zoo with them last week, and the three of you ran from exhibit to exhibit, wrestling, laughing and holding hands. it was really cute.

i'm absolutely loving this age, finn, which is quite surprising since i always heard age 2 is the worst! i honestly think it's just because you are a non-typical, dream child. you were the worlds easiest baby, and are continuing to prove to be the worlds easiest toddler. i love it (although i do worry about how i'll adjust when sam gets to be this age!! you've set the bar so high.). you're my best little friend and my favorite buddy. i look forward to spending every day with you (for the most part) and although there are days when i count down to bedtime, this is still my dream job and i wouldn't change it for the world. i'm so blessed to call myself your mother. thanks for making my job so fun. :)