today you are one year old. i can hardly believe those words - there is no way an entire year has come and gone since your entrance into this world, that eventful night last october 11th. we have made so many wonderful memories, we have all grown and learned so much about one another and ourselves. we have had happy times and some sad ones, too, but mostly just happy. if there is anything i've learned this past year, it is that life is better with you in it. i'm thankful to my heavenly father every single day for blessing me with my two beautiful boys, and entrusting me with your lives. at times, the task seems overwhelming, but mostly just because i love you guys so much.
some things i want to remember about you as a ONE-year-old (i still can't believe it! one?!)
- you are starting to become uninterested in food. i don't know if it is due to teething, but you have always been such a great eater - not picky at all. lately, though, you could care less about most foods.
- you throw your animals out of your crib during nap time and bed time. finn used to do this, too and i always got a chuckle out of it.
- speaking of throwing things, you are in this phase where you drop everything (like when you're in your high chair/stroller/car seat etc) wait for us to pick it up for you, watch us to make sure we're watching you, then drop it again! it is totally a game to you, but after the fourth or fifth time of dropping it & picking it up, it gets reallllly old. ;)
- you love being in big spaces, like costco, the grocery store...anywhere with tall tall ceilings and big lights. you just stare up the whole time.
- you have the tiniest feet on this planet, i swear. you are only in a size 3, and just barely at that! by this age, finn was wearing a 5!! it is so funny how small your feet are, especially considering they are as long as they are wide! it is kinda nice, though, because you are able to wear all the shoes that finn wore during his first fall (when he was 6-9 months old, lol!). at least we're gettin' some good use outta' the shoes, eh? ;)
- you cut your first tooth a week and a half ago!!!! hallelujah, praise the heavens above!! that dang tooth has been teasing us for a loooooong time so we are so glad it finally broke through.
- just in the last few days you've started pointing. you also use your thumb and pointer finger to grab things, like a pincer. the dr said thats a good sign, developmentally speaking.
- you've started dancing to music, mostly just by bopping your head back and forth. you get a huge kick out of yourself when you do this, its really cute. :)
- you are a little ball of energy, little dude. you go from one thing to the next, non-stop, during every waking moment of the day. i get exhausted just watching you play! ;)
-you love pulling everything out of the bottom shelves in the pantry (the ones you can reach), and i mean everything. then you put everything that can fit, down the vent that is right there by the pantry. you do this multiple times a day. silly, silly, naughty little boy. ;)
- you're still not walking or even standing really. that's okay, it'll happen when you're ready.
- you take two naps a day and sleep from 8-7:30 or 8 am. dreamy!!
- you love your new carseat! i think you are so much more comfortable sitting upright, and you also love to watch everything that is going on around you.
- i'm worried that you are going to be a defiant little fellow! part of me thinks this is inevitable, because you are already so much like your father. but even as a one-year-old, when you are doing something you're not supposed to (like playing with my wallflowers, the electrical outlets, the ceramic urn with the sticks by the door, etc), i say, "sammy, that's not for sam. no no no." you look at me while i say it, smile, then continue doing it, almost like you think it's so funny. hopefully this is just a normal phase and not a glimpse of what is to come in the future. ;)
your stats at one year old:
weight: 22 lbs 12 oz (49th percentile)
height: 30.5 inches (73rd percentile)
head circ: 45.5 cm (24th percentile)
dr reese said you are healthy as a horse and developing right on track. he didn't seem at all concerned that you aren't walking. he heard you babbling mamama, dada, and even heard you say "boo" while he played peek-a-boo with you. we sure love dr reese. i hope he doesn't have plans on retiring any time soon. :( he, as always, got a big kick outta you, and said that you are a funny little baby.
you are so much fun, my sweet boy, and i love that i get to stay at home with you every day and watch you as you grow and develop. as sad as i am about you growing up so fast, i do look forward to what is in store in this next year. i miss my babies being babies, but each and every phase is so fun and i'm grateful i get to experience it with you.
love you more than you'll ever know. happy ONE year. :)
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