Wednesday, October 23, 2013


ever heard of cornbelly's? i'm sure you have. i've been hearing about it for years. supposedly it is one of the best corn mazes in the country! lance and i hadn't been to a corn maze in quite a while (what is the point really, when you have young kids?) but this year i decided we ought to give it a shot. 

had i known that cornbelly's offers everything they do, i would have made it a tradition years ago to go there every october! holy freakin' smokes batman, we could have spent an entire day there!! which is why we had to make a two-day-thing of it. :)

finn loved jumping on the "trampoline," going down the big slides, doing the pumpkin maze and basically just running around to his hearts content. the second day we went, we invited uncle zac and shrimpy to come. it is so fun watching zac and finn together - they both love each other so much! melts my heart. zac, lance and me did the bull ride - geeze louise that was fun! why have i never done it before?! i was laughing hysterically the whole time! 

by the end of both nights we were freezing cold and tired, but boy, were those fun nights. definitely a tradition we'll keep going in the years to come. if you haven't been to cornbelly's, make sure you go next year. you won't regret it,  promise! 

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