Sunday, December 23, 2012

..a name & a blessing for mr. samuel james powell..

dear sam,

today you were given a name and a very sweet blessing by your daddy. the chapel was full of friends and family members who came to support you on this special day. days, and moments, like these, the veil seems to be very thin. i can feel the support of those who have passed on, as well as the love and support from the people who we love and cherish most here on this earth. a mother can't help but tear up, seeing all her favorite people in one place at one time. i felt so grateful for everyone who came.

we decided to bless you today for a couple reasons. 1) so that your aunts and uncles would be in town (since they were coming into town for christmas) and 2) because we thought it would be neat to do a double blessing - you and cousin jett on the same day! i didn't think a ton of people would be able to make it since it was two days before christmas, but boy was i wrong! it seems that everyone still came! bless their hearts. :) your circle was jam-packed...i really don't think even one more person would have been able to squeeze in. there was dad, great-grandpa hansen, great-grandpa powell, uncle kevin, uncle dave, ben clark, dave mcconnel, dan walker, gary halverson, peter phippen, spencer dyreng, and bishop mortenson. i was grateful to all of them for being so willing and excited to participate.

after sacrament meeting we had a luncheon at our house. there were tons of people, and it was definitely a tight squeeze, but we made it work and i wouldn't have had it any other way. thank goodness for grandma cindy who is such an amazing cook and hostess for pulling it all together. the day was a bit exhausting (i was up and in the shower at 6:30 then getting everything ready until church started) but it was all so worth it. you are definitely worth celebrating. :)
you have been such a joy to have in our home mr. samuel. you are the most smiley, sweet little baby ever. each day that passes brings more love and adoration, and i simply cannot imagine my life, or our little family, without you. your big brother ADORES you. that is really the only word for it. it is fascinating to watch him with you, and i can only imagine it will get even better when you start to interact with him. i feel my love grow for you each and every day. i know that sounds very cliche, and something you think people just say, but there is so much truth to it. i'm grateful for the moments that i get to just cuddle and watch you and see the world through your eyes. you are such a special little boy, and i'm so grateful you are mine. :)

love you always and forever mr. samuel james.


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