Tuesday, December 18, 2012

..finnerisms, part 1..

dear finn,

today as we were getting ready to go run some errands, i had a handful of stuff to take to the car. so, since i don't have the three arms i often need, i decided i would take the stuff out to the car, along with you,  buckle you up, then run back inside to get baby sam. as i was ushering you out the door you started whining. when we got outside, that whining turned into a full-blown tantrum, tears flowing like niagara. confused, i asked you what was wrong. you started walking back inside, went straight to sam's carseat and tried picking it up. haha you thought we were leaving baby sam and you were worried! at the ripe old age of 20 months, you are already such a protective big brother. it melted my heart! just another example of what a great, loving big brother you are mr. finn. samuel is sure lucky to have you. :)


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