Saturday, December 29, 2012 2012..

my dear sweet boys,

we had a fabulous christmas this year! that may even be an understatement. christmas has always been my favorite holiday, and every year i think to myself, "this was the best christmas ever," and then the next year always seems to be better somehow! well since it was mr. sam's first christmas, and finn's second, i had a feeling it would be a great one. your sweet spirit's just add so much joy to our home on any given day, it seems to be two-fold during the holiday's.

we had family in town this year, which made it even better. aunt tiff, uncle kevin, and cousin jett came into town from california, and they stayed with us. we had so much fun with them all week! at first i didn't know if we'd have enough room in our house to accommodate everyone's needs, but we made it work and it wasn't nearly as crowded in here as i thought it would be. it was so fun getting to know baby jett...this was the first time any of us had met him. it was fun seeing the similarities and differences between him and sammy, who are only 8 days apart.

we spent christmas eve at the annual hansen family christmas party up at great-grandma and great-grandpa hansen's house. something about this party is just so nostalgic for me. i don't know if christmas will be the same for me if we ever stop doing it! i love visiting with our cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents, enjoying delicious food, singing christmas carols and listening to grandpa read the story of christ's birth from luke 2 in the bible. that is christmas to me, and i love it!

grandma cindy, uncle zac and alicia spent the night at our house, along with aunt tiff, uncle kevin and cousin jett. we were definitely packed to the brim but it was great. we opened our christmas pj's and took pictures, then it was off to bed for you babes. while you were sleeping santa claus stopped by! as a child, there was nothing more exciting than waking up in the wee hours of christmas morning to see if santa had come. as a teenager, it was the same. as an adult and parent, i have to say i think it is even better! i couldn't help but stand at the top of the stairs and just look at our living room, full of presents. i realized how blessed our family is, and how grateful i am to our heavenly father for providing dad with so much work at a time when so many people are struggling to find it. i'm grateful to dad for being so willing to work so hard to provide for our family. and i'm thankful to santa for stopping by. ;)
we woke up bright and early on christmas morning to open presents. mr. finn woke up all on his own at 6:45 am....i'm sure everyone thought i woke you up that early, but i swear i didn't! you could probably just feel the magic in the air and were excited to open presents, huh finn? haha i think it's safe to say you loved all your presents! you walked right over to your table and chairs, pushed the stocking off the chair, sat on it and started playing with the jack-in-the-box! i loved it!

some other highlights of christmas morning were....*watching duke stare at his stocking! hahaha he seriously just sat and started at it. didn't try digging into it, wasn't whining for us to get anything out of it. he just stared, like he knew there was something yummy inside and was patiently waiting for it to reveal itself! hilarious! *watching grandma cindy open one of her presents from alicia. it was a necklace she wanted from banana republic back in the fall, but she never got it. then they sold out of them. well alicia managed to find one for her, and grandma was soooo surprised when she opened it, she just started balling!! we were all wondering what was wrong haha, but she was just so surprised, she couldn't contain the tears. *of all the presents that everyone got, perhaps the most loved and cherished one of all was duke's ball. haha he played with this ball all morning until he was panting and literally couldn't move. all of the dogs, along with finn, were obsessed too, and had a grand ol' time fighting over it. luckily there were 4 of them...plenty to go around.

we went down to the annual osborne family christmas morning breakfast, and had fun visiting with our aunts, uncles and cousins again. it's always fun to see what santa brought everyone for christmas, and as aunt tiffany said, it's the best breakfast of the year!

we just relaxed at home for the rest of the day, played with our new christmas toys and took naps, until christmas night when aunt wendy, uncle dave, cousin shaya and nanny goat came over for dinner. even grandpa jeff stopped by for a while. it was fun visiting with all of our family who we don't get to see very often. we sure wish they all lived closer!

i'm so thankful to our savior jesus christ for his willingness to come down to this earth and for the role he played in the plan of salvation. none of us would be here, who we are today, without him. i love having little babies in our boys make christmas so much more meaningful and special, and i don't know what i would do without you!


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