Tuesday, February 12, 2013

..island park..

dear boys,

this past weekend we took a little road trip up to island park, idaho. our neighbors/friends, the kettle's, have a cabin up there, and were gracious enough to invite us up for the weekend. it was fun to get away, even if it was only for a couple days.

the drive up went much smoother than i was anticipating. thanks to the iPad, finn was entertained for most of the drive, there and back. and mr. samuel was a little champ and slept most the way. :)

we had so much fun hanging out with max, lucy, viv, danny and jess. we love them all so much, and are so glad they moved across the street from us. finn played so well with the kids. he especially loved viv. just wanted to give her hugs and kisses all day long.

finn wasn't a big fan of sledding, but he did seem to enjoy going for rides on the snowmobile. way to make your dad proud, finners!

this was our first trip as a family, and i'd say it was a success. thanks to grandma cindy for staying at our house and watching our furry brothers. :)


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