Wednesday, February 27, 2013 turns 31..

dear boys,

today dad turned 31 years old! i can hardly believe that he is that old. haha i only say that because i remember his 25th birthday like it was yesterday. anyway, last year i really dropped the ball on dad's big day. i mean, i was pregnant and sicker than i've ever been in my life (with the flu), but still, that is no excuse. so this year i set out to redeem myself, and i must say, no that it's all said and done, i think i did a pretty fabulous job. ;)

i was talkin' to grandma cindy last week and mentioned that i wanted to throw a surprise party for dad. we deliberated about where to do it, and after much thought (not really!) decided denny's would be the perfect location. haha it's sort of a family joke that lance's two favorite restaurants are ruth's chris and denny's. i was a little embarrassed to invite people to denny's, because if we're being honest here, it's the most disgusting restaurant ever. however, i knew it would make dad laugh. so i sent out a mass text (i know, i know, it's so unlike me not to send an actual invitation, however i was running short on time so mass text was the best i could do) and that was that. surprise party planned!

over the next week or so, it wasn't really hard for me to keep it a secret, but it was a little difficult for me to contain my excitement! i felt like i was going to burst at the seams. i had a whole night of surprises planned for dad, and i just couldn't wait for his birthday to get here because i was so excited to see his reaction with everything. i told dad not to plan dinner with anyone (we usually go out with grandpa jeff, wendy and grandma cindy) because i wanted it to be just him and i. dad made it very clear that he wanted to go to la caille for dinner, and was 95% sure that's where we were going. he kept saying, "other than dinner, i have no idea what we're doing on my birthday." haha i got the biggest kick out of hearing that. ;)

anyway, the big day finally arrived! we ran some errands this morning (let's be honest, we've been running errands all week long for this), came home and napped. then grandma cindy got here so i could do a few last minute things sans crazy children (like go pick up the balloons and cake) then dad and i were off on his surprise birthday adventure!

i blindfolded him because i didn't want him to know what we were doing until the last possible second. he was surprisingly good and didn't even try and peek. first stop? sanctuary day spa at the gateway, where dad was treated to a 30 minute massage. i would have made it a 60 minute, but we didn't have tons of time. he was so excited when he realized that's what he was doing. while he was getting that, i surprised him with getting my eyebrows waxed and dyed (something he frequently urges me to do, ha!).

after his massage, the blindfold went back on and we headed back to liz's nail salon to be exact, where we both got pedicures! it was kinda funny how much dad enjoyed his pedicure. traditionally a pedicure is not something men get, however i see men getting them almost every time i go in, so i figured it couldn't be too girly. of course he didn't get his toes painted, and i mean he does work hard all day long, standing on his feet for a good portion of it, so i'm sure it felt nice for him to get his feet rubbed. :)

back in the car we went, and i told him we had one last stop to make before heading to dinner (since he was still certain dinner was at la caille). i took a little detour driving to denny's, because i didn't want him to know where we were going. once we got there, i made him keep the blindfold on, and i helped him out of the car, along the sidewalk and into the restaurant. dad kept saying, "where are we? are we at a restaurant??" haha he said he could hear the silverware. smart guy! anyway, when we got inside where we could see everyone, i took the blindfold off and dad's face was priceless (and i have the pictures to prove it!) some of his favorite people, all in one place, at the grossest restaurant ever, i might add, to celebrate him. it truly was a wonderful night, full of laughter, good company and gross food. ;)

tonight when we got home, he thanked me and said it was one of his best birthday's ever. that sure made me feel good! i had been so so excited for it, and was glad to know he appreciated it! big thanks to grandma cindy for watching you little rug-rats, and to everyone that came. finn, you've been sick so you weren't feeling too good but you were a trooper. and little samuel...well you had a bit of a melt down and were screaming when dad and i walked into the restaurant! :( grandma said you'd been crying like that for nearly an hour. i think you were just overwhelmed at all the unfamiliar faces, and didn't know where your momma was. after a quick drive around the block you fell asleep, so that was nice. it broke my heart to see you so upset.

anyway, happy birthday to our dear old dad! he does so much for all of us, more than any of us probably know. i'm so thankful for how hard he works to provide, so that i'm able to stay home and be with you crazy boys all day long. he loves both of you more than you'll ever know. i seriously see him light up when he is around you guys. i think i've told you both before, but all his life he has wanted to have two boys....two little buddy's to go out wheeling, and shooting, and camping with, and you guys made that dream come true for him. even though it makes me a little sad that finn likes dad so much more than he likes me, at the same time i'm so very grateful. i know all three of you will be best friends when you get older, and that warms my heart more than you'll ever know. :) love all of my boys so very much (dad, finn, sam, duke & claus). i'm one lucky gal.


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