Thursday, February 14, 2013 day..

my dearest boys,

happy valentine's day! even though most people i know consider valentine's day to be overrated, i am thankful for it because it is at least something pleasant to look forward to during the gloomy winter months. this winter seems to be particularly bad. i swear between the four of us, at least one of us has been sick since the beginning of january. :( no bueno! i am ready for some sunshine and warm weather, i tell ya!

we kept things pretty low key this year, since both sammy j and i are sick right now (flu & pink eye). i started a tradition a few years ago of doing a home-cooked, candlelit dinner for valentine's night (since restaurants are over-crowded, thus making service and bad and the food not nearly as good) but i didn't even feel up to cooking tonight. :( i was a little bummed that we didn't keep that tradition going, but i promise i'll pick it up next year.

we were running errands for a good portion of the morning. i was looking for gifts to give grandma cindy and dad. we finally found a little somethin' for grandma, but nothing for dear ol' dad. he prob thinks i'm the worst wife ever! ;) we dropped some valentine's off to locke and mccoy, then headed home, where we were surprised with balloons and beautiful flowers. daddy-o sure is great, isn't he?

grandma came down to bring each of you a cute little gift, so after opening those, as well as the gifts cupid (aka your dad and me) brought you guys, we set out in search of a restaurant that, hopefully, wouldn't be too crowded. after calling two steakhouses to see what the wait times were, and being told by both that they couldn't seat us til 9 o'clock, we decided to set our sights a little lower. just as we decided on winger's, i remembered that j wong's never seems to be too terribly crowded, so i called to see if they could seat us any time soon and he said to head on down and they'd get us seated strait away! yay for good chinese food and no waits on valentine's day! the food was still as delicious as it always is, and we were seated in back so we didn't have to worry about bothering other patrons. i'd say it was a very successful valentine's day dinner. :)

i love you boys more than i could ever put into words, and even though valentine's day is a little cheesy and overrated (since, let's be honest, we should celebrate love every day of every year), i love that there is one day of the year set aside for it. even though i'm sick and not feeling too good, this was probably one of my favorite valentine's days ever, thanks to you boys and your sweet dad.

love ya!


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