Monday, February 11, 2013

..sam is 4 months old..

dear sam,

mr samuel james, how are you already 4 months old?! i just cannot believe it. you are changing before our very eyes, and i really wish we could just press pause...slam on the brakes...slow down for a while, ya know??

i have to say, i'm totally loving this age. you are sleeping so well, are on a schedule, and you are just a happy, content baby. i used to think your brother was the sweetest baby i'd ever seen, but i'm thinking you are just as sweet! so lucky for me that i have such sweet boys. i love it! you smile all day long, giggle at the most random things, and are just so much fun to be around.

my heart swells with love and pride as i hold you in my arms and watch you grow each day. it's amazing to me the capacity for love that a mother possesses. i never thought i'd be able to love another child the way i love finn, but then you came and proved me wrong. i love you so completely and unconditionally, and what is so interesting to me is that my love for you is separate from my love for him. i love you both equally, but definitely as individuals. i tell ya, being a mom is such a special thing, and i'm so grateful for the opportunity i've been given to raise you two little boys. :)

here are some things about you at 4 months old:
-you sleep between 9 and 11 hours most nights, and are getting close to sleeping 12! way to go!
-we figured out a schedule for ya, and you stuck to it. you wake up around 8, eat, play,  go down for a nap at 9:30, wake up at 11:30, eat, play, go down for a nap at 1:00, wake up at 3, eat, play, go down for a nap at 5, wake up around 6:30 or 7, eat, play, sometimes go back down for a quick nap around 8:30 or sometimes you'll just go to bed then, and you sleep til 8 the next morning! love it!
-started laughing more. you laugh at the dogs when they bark a lot, you laugh when i play peek-a-boo with you, you laugh when we tickle you or when we get right in your face and make silly noises. you laugh the most at night, it's kinda funny.
-you started talking a ton. it's crazy to me, because you didn't really start talking until this month, but you seriously just jabber all day long. especially after you've eaten and are super full and happy.
-you suck those fingers of yours all day long.
-as stated above, you are an extremely sweet baby. you have the saddest cry i've ever heard! it makes me want to take care of your needs instantly, because i just hate hearing you cry. not because it's annoying to me, but because it's so sad! same thing with your sad face. oh man, when that bottom lip curls down, i'm done for. saddest thing ever!
-you scratch yourself. it's really sad. we try and keep your nails clipped, but they most grow fast and they must be sharp because you have scratches on your face all the time.
-you are quite the chunk. you have the most delicious chubby thighs...i just want to take a bite out of them! ;) your torso is very long, so a lot of your onesies barely snap! but the rest of your clothes fit.
-your eyes are going to be brown, i think. they still aren't a totally defined color yet, but they are dark, and i love it! i also think you are going to be a little toe-head because your eye lashes and eye brows look non-existent, unless you look really closely! i'm so excited, i've always wanted a brown-eyed blondie. :)
-when you wake up from a nap or get up in the morning, you just lay in your crib and talk. love it!

your stats at four months old are:

weight: 16lbs 3oz (73%)
height: 251/2" (69%)
head circ: 41 1/2 (28%)

your doctor said you are developing right on track. we need to be better about tummy time because you still haven't made any attempt to roll over, but the dr didn't think there was any need to worry about that just yet. :) he said that we can start you on solids, if we'd like. for some reason, that makes you seem so old, so i think we'll hold off for now. maybe just for a month or two longer. when he asked how long your "long stretch" is at night, and i responded with, "11 hours," his jaw dropped, and he said, "don't tell your friends that!" haha meaning that it would make them jealous. you sure are a great kid, and i feel lucky that you're mine. you didn't like your darn shots. the second the nurse injected you with the first one, your body went rigid, your face turned bright red, and you screamed and screamed. broke mine and dad's hearts. dad said he can't come to these appointments because he can't stand to see you in that kind of pain. anyway, it's over now and hopefully there won't be too much residual pain. 

1) kisses. 2) finally, a video monitor! 3) you have such a good big brother. you're a lucky little dude.
4) cutie. 5) valentine pj's. 6) always sucking those fingers!
7) so happy! 8) rare snuggle time. wish you'd cuddle me more!! 9) matching boys for church. 
i love you more than i could ever put into words, sammy boy. you bring so much love to our family, and i'm so happy you're a part of it. you are so lucky to have a big brother that loves you more than you could ever imagine. he is just smitten by you, as are the rest of us. as sad as it makes me to see you growing up so fast, i am also loving all the different phases you go through. i'm especially looking forward to watching you and finn interact more and more as the months go by. i already know you're going to be the best of friends.

happy four months here, kiddo!


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